New World Records
Yess! We did it again! Around the world full elecric 4th edition of the second time around the world with the same electric car and world record for production cars 42.015 km! We visited the planted trees, here a picture of the one in Andorra with the...

Battery defect
April 2024 the Tesla Model S was planned to drive around the world and being with this the second car which drove around the world twice (After Rafael de Mestre's Tesla Roadster which started 2012 and 2022) and also beating the record to be the first one with more...

November 2023
And here we are 600.000 km driven and the car buzzing like a tomcat. Enjoying Netflix at charge stops in the winter, a special drive-in cinema feeling with snow outside. Wishing a woman sitting at my co-driver seat to share these awesome moments ... sad Christmas...

October 2023
4.10.23After the battery was repaired the motor died and then it took 3 months due to a communication lack with the Tesla Service in Belgium until the car was repaired.Total costs 6,364.09: Motor exchanged and MCU exchanged to Version 2Pretty good price for getting a...

Safety Car Is Up And Running
The ecoGP Safety Car reached Belgium in a three-day journey. On May 18, it arrived at the service station, ready for repair. Ten minutes after arrival the car was open and one hour later up and running. Instead of exchanging the battery for 13.000€ the magic fingers...

Tesla Battery Repairs Journey
12.3.2023:After a collision with a deer near München (by the way, it’s the 12th anniversary of my Tesla Roadster), the parking sensors are not working anymore. OK, small issue. So, I continued driving to Bucharest to leave it at Tesla service for repair works. Coming...

Eco Factor
I went to Katovice to repair some small things disturbing me at EcoFactor, the guys who repaired my Tesla after the huge accident 1.5 years ago. 25.11.22 I got my car back.EcoFactor changed the following according to my wishes:rear drive camera (it was defective -...

Tesla chip replacement – €22!
I promised to tell you about the repair costs starting with the day I got the car repaired by EcoFactor, now after 73. 387km driven - still on same Goodyear winter tires, my first issue appeared. The energy statistics showed zero, all trips were zero and no energy...

ecoGP safety car rebirth video

ecoGP safety car’s new dress

Repaired safety car on the way to foiling

ecoGP Safety car rebirth press conference

ecoGP safety car almost ready
Check out the before/after photos of the ecoGP Safety Car

New paint job!
In despite of Corona the repairing of the car contiues. This step is having the biggest effect. Look, it is now more shiny than before!Ecofactor is preparing a big handover ceremony right after the birthday of Rafael de Mestre!

The ecoGP Safety Car is alive!
Santa Claus was busy over Christmas and mounted some parts from the donor car! It connected the battery and now it is driving again! We are so happy!!!

Donor on the road
The ecoGP safety car donor is now on the road to Odessa. Stay tuned for more info!

Gooood news!!!
We have very good news for the ecoGP Safety Car! The repair price dropped from an initial €71,000 to an estimated €20,000 and the latest quote is €11,500. Looks like the ecoGP Safety Car will be back on the racetrack very soon!The reason why it dropped is that ecoGP...

Safety car disassembling

Fire incident!
There was an unfortunate event at the repair shop where the ecoGP Safety Car is being repaired. A fire started caused by a lamp and it damaged a good part of the service. Luckily, none of the cars was affected by this incident.

Thank you, Fritz Hamann!
Arrived after a 26 hour non stop drive. Thank you so much Fritz Hamann for your awesome support even sponsoring the diesel!

Dangerous trailer
This trailer is dangerous if you don't have good ears... Fixed 🙂

Goodbye, Bucharest! See you soon!

Back to Bucharest
Back to Bucharest, 8 hours faster than the trip to Odessa Now a quick nap and then proceeding to Germany.

Next anecdote
Next anecdote on the way back from Ukraine. Arrived with no range display any more at a gas station. Gas station is out of service for 20 minutes. The filling up with gas will take now same time like charging a Tesla.

Repair started
Repair started - the car does not look that damaged if you look at the details.

First look
First opening of the trunk and the driver's door. Looks chaotic but a lot of things are only to be washed. Repairing starts today. After the inventory list, the next step will be to find the appropriate parts from other Teslas. Welcome if you know an accident car...

Arrival in Odessa/Ukraine
Finally after- €5 toll in Moldavia for 8km of road - only cash payment possible- €20 Covid 19 insurance (weird!!) at Ukrainian border- €35 road toll for the truck- €10 for the policemen struggling hard with the papers complicated because+ German truck owned by company...

Car unpacking finished. Plastic to be reused on next packing Proceeding to the border of Ukraine now.

Final leg
Starting now the final leg to Odessa. Wish me luck.

COVID test – Negative
I already got the confirmation of the Covid test. This means I will proceed driving tonight maybe 2AM Documents printed.

Rain is coming
Regretfully today it rained a typical summer rain but we were lucky... And to be sure that it is waterproof...

Remember the Tesla was full of water?

Arrived in Bucharest
Trailer parked. ZOE parked for free in Bucharest Now proceeding to #coronatesting and collecting the needed papers for border crossing to Ukraine. Got a tip how to avoid Moldova crossing. We'll take the ferry The EV brother leads us to the parking for today

Driving through the beautiful landscape of Romania

10 minutes to fill up!!
I don't know how people manage to fill up the car from zero to 100% in 5 minutes. It took 10 minutes. I did not wait at the cash desk and did not go to the toilet!

Arrived in Romania
I'm too tired to continue, but arrived in Romania. Actually, I'm slower than driving with the Tesla on its own wheels. To be continued...#safetycar#ecogp#Tesla @tesla

Mercedes battery empty
Next issue: Mercedes battery empty. Engine does not detect the key...Regretfully, the Model S battery is empty too... Problem solved quickly with help from Mercedes. Proceeding to drive without battery

Repair costs reduced to €20,000
This almost 3000km trip to Ukraine reduced the costs for the repair from €71,000 to assumed €20,000 or even less, so is worth every km. If you don't fight for your dreams they will never come true. Thank you all for following me! Zoom to...

50% of the trip done

Small issues in Austria

21.08 Greetings from Chiemsee! Siesta time!

20.08 – Next step
Starting now next step towards repairing the epic #ecogp#safetycar. Wish me luck for the next several thousands of km. Welcome to follow the car at and like this like hell Blog opened on

19.08.2020 – ecoGP Safety Car ready to be transported
With the help of the kind neighbors we managed to load the car on the trailer in a creative way. This saved about €700 to be payed for the rental of a crane tow truck. ecoGP Safety Car is now ready to be transported from the Tesla Body Shop in Leopoldshöhe to Odessa,...

The accident after 470,000 km
It was July 15th, the day the mother and the father of Rafael de Mestre got acquainted exactly 60 years ago. A very normal trip by night as most of the trips, 3AM, wet, 6°C. He closes the charge port at the Supercharger in Rhüden and starts the last km towards the...

Driving around the world in 80 days
The eco Grand Prix car - a Signature Model S P 85+ - was born in 2013, circumnavigated the world in 80 days in 2016 and drove 460,000 km through 38 nations of this planet. It took over the role of the SAFETY CAR at eco Grand Prix and it was intended to drive around...
Big wave of support
Thank you for all your support and messages you've sent me over all channels. I didn't even had the chance to read them all. I just got a phone call from the German Police informing me that it is against the German law to publish videos where fire troopers, police or...
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