World Record ATTEMPT

27 EVs

25 EVs

3 EVs

1 EV

9 EVs

1 EV

2 EVs
Dear Tesla and EV Enthusiasts,
We appreciate your participation in the upcoming Tesla and EV World Record Parade.
We regret to inform you that after careful consideration, we have made the difficult decision to reschedule the event for the next year. Despite our best efforts, we have not been able to secure the necessary number of Tesla and EV registrations to successfully break the current world record.
At last count, we had 57 Teslas and 11 electric vehicles registered for the parade. While this is indeed an impressive show of support, it falls short of the minimum required to break the last official world record. To officially break the world record, we must rally at least 146 Teslas and more than 500 electric vehicles.
We understand that you were looking forward to this event, and we share your disappointment. However, we remain committed to achieving this milestone, and we believe that with more time and continued support, we can make it happen.
Now, let’s explore your options regarding your ticket:
- Sponsor us for next year: Your current ticket will be valid for next year’s rescheduled event, and there’s a chance that next year’s ticket price may be lower. Keeping your ticket not only secures your spot, but also shows your unwavering support for this effort. We will keep you updated on the exact date and details of the rescheduled event as soon as they are finalized. In any case, you can meet Rafael at the parking lot of the circuit and have a lunch together, on September 30th, between 11:00 – 12:00.
- Ticket refund: If you prefer not to keep your ticket for the rescheduled event, we completely understand. We will be happy to process a refund for your ticket.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this rescheduling may cause and hope for your understanding in this matter.
Thank you for being a part of our Tesla and EV World Record Parade community. We eagerly anticipate your participation next year, where together, we will create an even more extraordinary parade of electric vehicles!
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Warm regards,
Tesla and EV World Record Parade Team

TESLA World Record Parade
We are trying to break the world record for the longest Tesla parade. We only need 146 Teslas! To do this, all Teslas will be able to drive together at walking pace over the racetrack. Imagine, the complete racetrack full of Teslas, what a picture!
Of course, you will get a sausage and a drink and you are welcome to participate in other events during the weekend.
Children can train for the future with remote controlled super-fast electric cars.
You can find here everything that is included in the ticket.
EV World Record Parade
Join the electric car world record parade on September 30, 2023 at Funpark Meppen! A fantastic opportunity for every electric car owner to be a part of a historic event and breathe in the impressive crowd of tens of electric cars at a 5km/h pace.
All nations of Europe are coming – from Tesla Club Morocco to Tesla Owners Club Norway and from Tesla Club Netherlands to Tesla drivers from Ukraine. Bring your national flag and join the celebration of the world record!
For more information and to register, click here.

TESLA Wereldrecord Parade
We proberen het wereldrecord voor de langste Tesla parade te breken. We hebben maar 146 Teslas nodig! Hiervoor zullen alle Teslas samen stapvoets over de racebaan rijden. Stel je voor, de complete racebaan vol met Teslas, wat een plaatje!
Natuurlijk krijg je een worstje en een drankje en ben je welkom om deel te nemen aan andere evenementen tijdens het weekend.
Kinderen kunnen trainen voor de toekomst met op afstand bestuurbare supersnelle elektrische auto’s.
Vind hier het programma en wat alles bij het ticket inbegrepen is.
EV Wereldrecordparade
Doe mee aan de wereldrecordparade voor elektrische auto’s op 30 september 2023 in Funpark Meppen! Een fantastische kans voor elke bezitter van een elektrische auto om deel uit te maken van een historisch evenement en de indrukwekkende menigte van tientallen elektrische auto’s in een tempo van 5 km/u op te snuiven.
Alle landen van Europa komen – van Tesla Club Marokko tot Tesla Owners Club Noorwegen en van Tesla Club Nederland tot Tesla-rijders uit Oekraïne. Breng uw nationale vlag mee en vier het wereldrecord mee!
Voor meer informatie en inschrijving, klik hier.
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